By Denise M. Burke, Esq.

Thomas Peters of has a thought-provoking post this morning, entitled “10 Reasons Why Obama’s Next 4 Years Would Be Worse Than the Past 4 Years.” He deftly summarizes the current
Administration’s unflinching support for abortion, Planned Parenthood, and same-sex marriage, and the threats it poses to religious freedom and our nation and families’ futures.  Two weeks
away from the election, his analysis is worthy of our consideration.

The 10 Reasons:

1) Barack Obama has been the most pro-abortion president in history. He has not signed a single piece of pro-life legislation since taking office. If given four more years, he will continue to veto pro-life legislation and nominate pro-abortion supreme court justices and judges.

 2) Barack Obama now supports same-sex marriage, despite promising in 2008 that he supported traditional marriage. Many of his top donors are radical pro-gay marriage activists. If given a second term, Obama will continue to unilaterally stop defending laws protecting marriage (like DOMA), will actively aid efforts to repeal laws protecting marriage at the state level (he has already opposed every effort to protect marriage at the state level since taking office) and will nominate supreme court justices and judges who are in favor of redefining marriage.

3) Barack Obama is an enemy of religious freedom.
 The view put forward by his administration in the courts (and all the way up to the Supreme Court) is that religious freedom is a purely private matter that has no right to exist in the public square. The HHS mandate forces religious individuals and institutions to violate their conscience. If given four more years, President Obama will oversee the implementation of the full set of Obamacare’s mandates, and we will witness even more violations of religious freedom and conscience.

4) Barack Obama’s foreign policy has supported taxpayer-funded abortions abroad, has done nothing to address China’s heinous one-child policy, has promoted LGBT rights abroad and has undermined religious liberty –particularly the religious liberty of Christians– around the world and in the Middle East.  The U.S. delegation at the United Nations will be emboldened to impose the Obama  administration’s position on abortion, religious freedom, and same-sex marriage on developing countries around the world.

5) Barack Obama is an enemy of the Catholic Church. Even beyond Obama’s flawed view of the First Amendment, the President has intentionally surrounded himself with Catholics who proudly tout their dissent from the Church’s teaching. He has employed truly anti-Catholic figures in his administration and has personally been disingenuous in his dealings with the Catholic Church and Cardinal Dolan. If he wins four more years he will attribute part of that victory to taking on the Catholic Church and (in his mind) beating it. He will
search out other ways to oppose it.

6) Barack Obama is an unflinching ally of Planned Parenthood. In addition to personally seeing to it that Planned Parenthood is funded with federal money whenever states have attempted to defund its millions of dollars in subsidies, Obamacare and other federal programs he has championed will collaborate with
Planned Parenthood towards an ultimate goal of making America’s largest abortion  provider synonymous with “women’s healthcare.” If Obama wins reelection he will attribute it in part to Planned Parenthood and massively expand its already significant influence and political footprint.

7) Barack Obama’s policies disproportionately hurt the underprivileged. Despite all the talk this cycle about the middle class and small businesses, the reality is that over the past four years America has witnessed a surge in poverty and unemployment, which has disproportionately affected the underprivileged. If Obama could do anything to fix this situation he would have already done so, instead he has massively expanded dysfunctional welfare programs which are not a solution to America’s poverty crisis, and has demonized Catholic and religious charities that do more on the ground to serve these communities. Four more years will only add to the hurt they are experiencing.

8) Barack Obama’s policies are impoverishing all Americans and reducing all of our prospects. The President has shown himself incapable of reigning in spendings and reducing our deficits. The trickle-down effect of this massive government waste is less opportunity and fewer resources for the private sector to invest and grow. Americans are already adapting to this “new normal” and four
more years will further entrench this growing sense that our best days are behind us. This is not the legacy our children and grandchildren deserve, and it is not why our parents and grandparents came to this land. We can do better and the President has shown that he does not know how to accomplish this.

9) Barack Obama’s rhetoric is aimed to divide and foster animosity. Remember “Occupy Wall Street” and how the President never condemned its excesses? Have you noticed that the centerpiece of Obama’s plan to tackle our debt and deficit is to soak the rich with more taxes and to promote envy among the rest of us?  Have you noticed how Obama’s reelection campaign has focused almost exclusively on painting Mitt Romney in as negative a light as possible? All of these decisions are deeply, deeply harmful to our public discourse and to our democratic compact. They are UnAmerican. If Obama wins reelection this way it will teach the dangerous lesson to future politicians that divide and conquer is the path to victory and power.

10) Obama will no longer care about being reelected. Obama has tempered his goals in his first term because he desperately wants to be reelected. If given four more years without having to be accountable to the American people, we can only imagine what’s in store for us. Obama clearly thinks a great deal about himself and wants to create a legacy for himself. He clearly believes he knows better than everyone else. He will also have his sense of inevitability restored if America gives him a second shot after having a close call in this election. Obama, like a good liberal, believes that some things are inevitable,
  including same-sex marriage, state-subsidized abortions, reduced religious freedom, a privatized and atomistic faith community, the rise of centralized government, a post-American world and forced equality — and he will see it as his confirmed mission to hasten the coming of these things if he is given four more years to deliver his version of hope and his idea of change like he promised four years ago.

You can read the entire post at "10 Reasons Why Obama's Next 4 Years Would Be Worse Than The Past 4 Years."

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