The book to the left is one that changed my life. Actually, what I should say is that meeting the man that wrote the book changed my life.

I've got the timeline of my conversion written down somewhere, but I don't know where it is at this moment. Suffice it to say that I was most fortunate to meet Dr. Thomas Howard approximately 7 years ago.

I was at a meeting of like minded Episcopal priests to which Dr. Howard had been invited to speak. During the lunch at the meeting there happened to be an empty seat next to me. Dr. Howard walked up and asked if he could join me. At the time I did not know anything about him except that he was a convert to the Catholic Faith. As we talked we discovered our mutual love of C.S. Lewis. Next, I found out that Dr. Howard had also written several books of his own. One of the books he mentioned was the one pictured above: Evangelical Is Not Enough. The lunch ended and it was time for him to speak to the group of Episcopal priests that was assembled. But, before doing so, he was gracious enough to give me his contact information and we have kept in touch ever since that time.

After that meeting I went back to the parish and was speaking to the pastor in his office. Glancing at the books on his bookcase I noticed Dr. Howard's book: Evangelical Is Not Enough. He let me borrow it and I immediately started reading it. I have never read any other book faster than that book. Reading that book was the beginning of the end of my time as an Episcopal priest.

I feel that I owe a great deal to Dr. Howard because he was a significant help in my conversion to the Truth of the Catholic Church. For that I can never thank him enough. And now there is something else for which I must thank him. He has written for this blog an excellent post on the nature of Truth. I hope that after you read it you will pass it on to others and I also hope that you will pick up some of his books. It would be worth your time to do so.

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