By this point what I am posting is already old news in the realm of the internet, but it merits repeating just in case anyone who reads this blog hasn't heard of it. The Bishop of Green Bay, The Most Reverend David L. Ricken, has sent a wonderful letter out to his diocese. You should click the link and read the whole letter but I have posted an excerpt below. After reading it I think you will agree that Bishop Ricken is most certainly not namby-pamby.

I would like to review some of the principles to keep in mind as you approach the voting booth to complete your ballot. The first is the set of non-negotiables. These are areas that are “intrinsically evil” and cannot be supported by anyone who is a believer in God or the common good or the dignity of the human person. They are:
1. abortion
2. euthanasia
3. embryonic stem cell research
4. human cloning
5. homosexual “marriage”
These are intrinsically evil. “A well-formed Christian conscience does not permit one to vote for a political program that contradicts fundamental contents of faith and morals.” Intrinsically evil actions are those which have an evil object. In other words, an act is evil by its very nature and to choose an action of this type puts one in grave moral danger.

May God bless this good bishop and the work he is doing for the Church in Green Bay. And may God bless all the bishops of the United States as they stand up for the Truth and defend it with their teaching, with their actions and with their lives. And may the assaults of the devil not prevail against them.

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