Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. But how do we do that when our neighbor, i.e. the President and his minions, are trying to destroy our society? I will answer with a summary of what C.S. Lewis had to say on the matter.

We are supposed to love our neighbor as we love ourself. But how do we love ourself? Most certainly it doesn't mean that we always like ourself. Sometimes we do very despicable and horrible things and when we do we don't like ourselves very much at all. In fact, when we do bad things we tend to loathe ourselves. But, it can be said that we still love ourselves at those times because even at our worst we still want what is best for ourselves. In a similar way, when our neighbor is doing or is trying to do something wrong to us, like take away our freedom, then we can still fulfill Christ's command to love him by wanting what is best for him. And ultimately, what is best for anyone is the salvation of his soul.

Everyday at Mass I pray for the President. I don't do this because I like him (because I don't) or because I support his policies (which I don't) I pray for him out of concern for his immortal soul. We should never want another person to spend eternity separated from God. And because of that we should pray for anyone who is an enemy of the Truth.

This is how I pray for the President everyday during the intercessions at Mass: For the President, for the leaders of the nations and for all in authority that they may know the Truth, follow it and defend it or else be removed from their positions of power, let us pray to the Lord.

I think that deserves an "Amen!" Don't you?
9/14/2012 06:32:56 pm

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