While I am working on a different post I thought I would quickly give my thoughts on political correctness. Basically, I think it is stupid. Political correctness is based on the timid fear of offending someone else's sensibilities. Such as saying 'humankind' instead of 'mankind' in order not to offend any women in the audience. (By the way, you won't see me do that in any of my posts, at least not on purpose.) And this in turn has led to people being fearful of speaking up about things that are actually important because they don't want to offend anyone. For example, someone who is not willing to correct a friend about his homosexual lifestyle. Or somenone being unwilling to encourage a friend to keep her baby instead of having an abortion. This must stop. If you know something is wrong then you have a duty to speak up and try to change the wrong behavior. How is anything in this world ever going to improve unless you do?
7/10/2012 07:28:54 pm

fr. jeffery, please email me, I want to send you a lecture on political correctness that I think you will enjoy

Fr. Moore
7/11/2012 02:40:16 am

Thanks for the comment. Tell others about my blog. I will send you an email soon.

Dan Morris
7/12/2012 01:49:15 pm

Well I finally have a healthy alternative to fox & drudge! This will be my new daily read. It is refreshing in this day to hear the truth with boldness.It is so evident in our day where the omission of truth & political correctness has brought us.We as Christians have the obligation to practice our " freedom of speech." as you know,I too take great pleasure in living anti green!I look forward to future post .

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