"the evidence relied upon by Planned Parenthood acknowledges a significant, known statistical correlation between abortion and suicide." You can find this quote here.

This is concerning a ruling on a South Dakota law that states that women who are coming in for an abortion must be told that abortion leads to an increased risk of depression and suicide. Well of course it does. No matter what society or Planned Parenthood tries to tell the woman who obtains an abortion she still knows somewhere in her soul that she is killing her baby by having an abortion.

But what so many of those women do not know is that there is forgiveness for all sins and that they need not take their own life. True, the pain of having taken the life of their own child will never go away completely. But through the Sacrament of Penance they can be reconciled to God and be forgiven of this horrible sin. If only all the women who have had an abortion would stand united and tell just how horrifying their experience was then we would probably get abortion outlawed quickly in this country. But they are kept quiet by their own grief and by a society that says it is not a big deal.

May God bring to repentance all those who have obtained, have supplied or have supported abortion so that we can be rid of this terrible plague on our society.

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