So what do I mean by ‘namby-pamby priest’? I will try to explain in the spirit of Jeff Foxworthy.

-If you have ever had a ‘clown Mass’ at your parish then you might be namby-pamby.
-If you have ever been unwilling to speak the Truth of the Catholic Faith because you were afraid of offending someone then you might be namby-pamby.
-If you have ever told people that it is OK to vote their conscience and elect a pro-death, pro-abortion candidate as long as the politician is an advocate for social justice then you might be namby-pamby.

Now all joking aside, this term namby-pamby, with the way I am using it, doesn’t have anything to do with physical stature. Instead, it has everything to do with whether or not my brothers in the priesthood believe in the Truth of the Catholic Faith as it has been handed down to us. And not just believe in it but are they willing to give their lives for it?

But it seems that more than just a few of them would not be willing to do so. Too many of my brother priests are willing to compromise with what society wants instead of insisting on the fullness of the Faith. I have heard horror stories of this or that doctrine being changed or a particular dogma being ignored either because the priest doesn't believe it or because he is afraid of the backlash from the congregation if he does preach the Truth. That is not how it should be.

If you believe in the Truth of the Catholic Faith, as you should, then stand like a man and boldly preach the Truth. Scripture is very clear that if you don't do so then you will be held responsible for leading your flock into sin.

But what about those who don't believe? If you're a priest and don't believe everything that the Church teaches then why are you a priest in the first place? If you think the Church is out of touch with the times or has outdated beliefs then why are you even Catholic? If you are unwilling to repent of this wrong thinking and believe in and teach the fullness of the Gospel then we would all be better off if you would just leave. Please understand, I pray that you don't leave. I pray that you will have a revelation given to you by God so that you could see the beauty of the Catholic Faith just the way it is. I pray that you will grab hold of the Truth and zealously guard it with your life. And I pray that God will strengthen me to do the same.
Tom Stallard
7/15/2012 09:43:02 pm

Fr. Moore, Love the blog. I think I heard Fr. Phillips say that he says every mass as though it were his last. Mass at our Lady of the Atonement is kind of Mass that would scare the namby-pamby priest but that will nourish all Catholics. Thanks for not being namby-pamby and for being a good priest. Good reading.

9/14/2012 06:32:36 pm

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