I just returned from the hospital about an hour ago and have been processing what just happened. I was called to the hospital to baptize a 22 week premature baby - nothing out of the ordinary. Fortunately the baby was alive and I was able to perform the Sacrament of Baptism, thanks be to God. But what I found strange is that no medical personnel were tending to the baby. The mother was simply holding the baby, apparently awaiting an imminent demise. After completing the Sacrament and talking with the family I went back out to the nurses station. I mentioned to them that I knew personally of a baby born at 20 weeks that had survived and asked why nothing was being done to help this baby. There were many nurses there and they all immediately fell silent, as if they were not supposed to comment on such things. One of them said I should ask the doctor in charge. Upon relating to the doctor what I had asked the nurses I was presented with a look. Her demeanor seemed to say that she did not like to have her decision questioned in the least. And she said to me in what seemed a very condescending tone, "The baby is only 22 weeks. There is nothing we can do." But I wonder, is there nothing she could do or just nothing she was willing to do. There is a big difference between the two.
Tom Stallard
9/4/2012 10:00:12 pm

Fr. Moore, Just think of what you may have started by asking the nurses and subsequently the doctor the question of "Why"? How many of those nurses will be haunted by that question? Will the Doctor as some point realize her role in our countrys current death mentality? It is "Men with Chests" that make the difference. C.S. Lewis had this to say about men without chests; “We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”

― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

"Men with chests" are something our country is in short supply of now. Keep up the good work Father.

Fr. Jeffery W. Moore
9/5/2012 04:36:53 am


Thanks for your comment. I especially thank you for working C.S. Lewis into your comment. You said at the end to keep up the good work - I'll do my best with the understanding that I can't do anything truly good without God's help. Therefore, I ask that everyone pray that God will help me to do His will and not my own.

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