By Denise M. Burke, Esq.

In 2012, voters have been given a clear choice:  will they stand in defense of life or will they turn a collective blind eye to the destruction being wrought on our nation by current anti-life laws and policies.  The differences between the two major political parties couldn’t be more stark or revealing.

The Democrat Party is doubling down on its support for
unrestricted abortion-on-demand, even turning its convention into a radical pro-abortion spectacle.  Among the  speakers at next week’s events in Charlotte, North Carolina are Cecile Richards, the President of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider and
a key proponent of the HHS contraceptive mandate that baldly violates First Amendment freedoms of conscience and religious expression; Nancy Keenan, the President of NARAL Pro-Choice America; and Sandra Fluke, the former Georgetown  law student who gained notoriety arguing that American taxpayers should be forced to provide free contraception to those who want it. 
Both President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, a Catholic, unequivocally support abortion-on-demand and increased 
federal funding for Planned Parenthood which already receives more than $1.3 million dollars per day from American taxpayers. Both have received near perfect ratings from national pro-abortion groups like NARAL.

On a related issue, late last week, a federal appeals court sided
with the Obama Administration and ruled that the federal government can continue to fund immoral and destructive research on human embryos despite the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, a long-standing federal prohibition on such funding.

In contrast, the Republican Party platform continues to support a human life amendment protecting unborn children, increased federal protections for conscience, and prohibitions on taxpayer funding for abortion and destructive embryo research.

Notably, this year – for the very first time – the GOP Platform 
acknowledges that, in addition to taking the lives of unborn children, abortion hurts women.

This is inclusion is both historic and critical because abortion was legalized in 1973, in large part, because of two "big lies."  
The first lie was that abortion does not involve the killing of an unborn child; rather, it is the termination of a “potential life”
and the simple removal of a “blob of cells.” Medical evidence (including that garnered through the use of ultrasound technology), embryology, and the tenacity of the pro-life movement have already effectively refuted this "big lie."  

Today, virtually no one – save unrepentent pro-abortion extremists – offers this lie in support of abortion-on-demand.  Rather, abortion advocates rely almost exclusively on the second “big lie”: abortion is good for women and women have come to rely on abortion to secure their places in society.

This is a potent lie that must be refuted, and it is the ultimate exposure of this harmful and calculated falsehood that will eventually bring about the demise of Roe  v. Wade and abortion-on-demand in America.  Many Americans, despite increasing reservations, continue to support abortion because they have come to believe that is beneficial to women.  Once these well-intentioned Americans come to realize the truth about abortion, they will support its eradication.

Medical and sociological research continues to document the harms
that abortion has inflicted on women – harms that the abortion industry has attempted to hide while continuing to profit from this destructive procedure.  
Clearly, the pro-life movement must continue to speak out in defense of women and must fully expose the dangers and risks inherent in
abortion.  The new pro-woman plank in the GOP’s pro-life platform is undoubtedly helpful in this regard.

Finally, in contrast to the Democrat Party’s standard bearers, the GOP has nominated Rep. Paul Ryan, a staunchly pro-life Catholic, for Vice President and has nominated Mitt Romney for President.  It is important to note that, while governor of Massachusetts, Romney vetoed legislation permitting and funding human cloning and destructive embryo research and legislation requiring hospital emergency rooms –including those at Catholic hospitals – to provide access to so-called “emergency contraception” (in reality, abortifacient drugs).

The evidence for each party’s stance of life couldn’t be clearer  and so too is the choice facing American voters in November.

Bob Landry
8/29/2012 11:46:57 am

When will the U.S. bishops finally hold these "Catholic" politicians to account for their support of the destruction of innocent human life? Biden, Pelosi, et al. should be immediately ex-communicated from the Church, yet the bishops are afraid to even call them out on their advocacy for abortion on demand. I just don't understand. Why the timidity? Are they cowards?

Fr. Jeffery W. Moore
8/29/2012 01:38:02 pm

Thank you Ms. Burke for your analysis of the two political parties. Let us pray that Americans make the choice for life in the coming elections.

Fr. Jeffery W. Moore
8/29/2012 02:29:27 pm

Mr. Landry,

In regards to why pro-death Catholic politicians are not excommunicated my answer is this: I don't know. But even though it is very frustrating to see them prancing around Washington spreading their evil we shouldn't think poorly of our bishops because if it. There are indeed many bishops that speak the Truth with boldness. But even those who don't speak out publicly may be behind the scenes working very hard to stop the spread of the evil that is currently going on in this country. What they need from us is not our questions of where they stand but our prayers.

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