By Denise M. Burke, Vice President of Legal Affairs, Americans United for Life

Most media commentators and pundits believe that  so-called “social issues” such as abortion and same-sex marriage will have  little or no impact on the outcome of this year’s elections.   “Voters will vote their pocketbooks,” they argue.

But, as the recent Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day showed, American voters still care about “social issues.”   If they are willing to “vote with their pocketbooks” and financially support Chick-fil-A at a time when the organization is facing an onslaught of criticism and threats from supporters of“gay marriage,” we can safely predict that the life issues – most notably, abortion – will also be important to American voters come November.

Despite the increasingly dubious claims of the abortion industry and its allies in Congress and the media, Americans are not supportive of the current regime of abortion-on-demand. A slim majority of Americans (around 51 percent) self-identify as “pro-life”and only 1 in 6 Americans believes that abortion should be unrestricted.

Meanwhile, a much more sizable majority (more than 80 percent) supports common-sense limitations on abortion including bans on late-term abortions, prohibitions on taxpayer funding for abortion, and parental involvement requirements for minors considering abortion.

 The Obama Administration’s unwavering support for unrestricted abortion-on-demand and for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s abortion mega-provider, is well-documented and clearly does not reflect the values and beliefs of most Americans.

 In an election cycle in which voters will focus significantly on financial issues, it is important to remember that public support for abortion is also an issue of fiscal stewardship.  For example, the Obama Administration has used taxpayer dollars to, among other things:

 ·  Subsidize Planned Parenthood.  Currently, the abortion behemoth receives approximately $1.3 million dollars a day from American taxpayers.
 ·  Support international organizations like the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) that help sustain coercive abortion policies in countries like China.     

Clearly, in 2012, abortion is a “pocketbook” issue and one that voters will consider when casting their ballots in November.

9/23/2012 05:03:44 pm

kudos! A trustworthy blog, thanks for putting an effort to publish this information. very informative and does exactly what it sets out to do. thumbs up! :)

Joseph Aidan


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