When looking something up this morning I noticed that the internet search provider I was using had a one of those ribbons (that are used to promote supposedly good causes) on its main page. I clicked on it and discovered that the little white ribbon represented the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. I then discovered that, ironically, this is sponsored by the United Nations.

I want to explain why I find this ironic. But first, let me unequivocally state that I am all for ending violence against women. Women are created in the image and likeness of God just like men and therefore deserve to receive their due dignity and respect from the rest of mankind, whether male or female. No one has the right to abuse, harm or take advantage of another person for any reason.

The UN claims to believe the same thing. But, even though they sponsor this campaign to end violence against women, they ironically promote things that can only perpetuate the violence they seek to end.

First of all, they advocate for 'safe abortions' (whatever that is supposed to mean - it is certainly not safe for the baby, who is about to be killed, or the woman who is having the abortion). Why, if you want to stop violence against women, would you support abortion?What action could be more violent to a woman than for someone to shove medical instruments inside her and brutually dismember unborn child?

It should be pointed out, though, that the UN website claims that they do "not support or promote abortion as a method of family planning." And yet they try to use a scary statistic to promote 'safe abortions' saying that each year 74,000 women die each year from 'unsafe abortions'. In their mind it must seem that the only way to keep this from happening is to have 'safe abortions.' When in actuality, the only way to keep this from happening is to have no abortions!

Connected to this is the UN's promotion of artficial contraception. They support both the pill - an abortifacient - and so-called emergency contraception - also an abortifacient. Not only do both of these cause the violence action of abortion but both of these poisons are an act of violence against the dignity of women. These chemicals destroy something which is actually quite natural - her fertility. Not to mention that in addition to killing the baby she has conceived it can most certainly kill her.

Furthermore, chemical contraceptives can have a secondary cause of violence against women that is overlooked. With a so many women taking chemical contraceptives men can now almost assume that any woman is infertile. Therefore, there is no possible baby to worry about which in turn leads many men to take advantage of women, which is the very thing the UN is trying to prevent, right?

The UN - ending violence against women? More like UNending violence against women.

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